The Fall

The Fall India/USA 2006 Regi og manus Tarsem Singh 1t57m DCP Engelsk tale, engelsk tekst
In 1920s Hollywood, Roy, a hospitalized stuntman, makes acquaintance with Alexandria, a young Romanian girl with one arm in a cast and the other gripping a small treasure box. A friendship develops as Roy (Lee Pace) enthralls Alexandria (Cainca Untaru) with an epic tale of six mythical men on a revenge quest, and as the epic unfolds, the line between reality and fantasy begins to blur.
Filmed across 28 countries, over a span of four years, mostly financed by and bankrupting the director, Tarsem Singh’s magnum opus is lauded for its spectacular visual storytelling, whimsical extravagance, and spellbinding score. It is oftentimes difficult to believe the film is completely devoid of computer-generated imagery. Yet, The Fall’s foundation is Roy and Alexandria’s friendship dynamic, and the inner turmoil they carry with them. Through largely unscripted dialogue and a somewhat sheltered filming location, which contrasts the meticulously structured cinematography of the epic, the main story is intimate and sentimental, with a touch of melancholia.
Ultimately, The Fall is equally awe-inspiring as it is emotionally gripping. And, as film critic Roger Ebert writes, there will never be another film quite like it.
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