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Juridiska villkor för biljettköpare
Juridiska villkor för arrangörer
Jaws USA 1975 Regi Steven Spielberg 2t4m Bluray Engelsk tale, norsk tekst
When the seaside community of Amity finds itself under attack by a large, man-eating great white shark, local sheriff Martin Brody (Roy Scheider) is caught between the panicking inhabitants and a town council eager to downplay the reported deaths. Amidst the rising pressure—and bodycount—Brody, accompanied by marine biologist Matt Hooper (Richard Dreyfuss) and salty old sea-dog Quint (Robert Shaw), embarks on a desperate quest to destroy the beast before it strikes again.
Based on the bestselling novel by Peter Benchley and shot mostly on location at Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts, Jaws faced a troubled production, going over budget and schedule. Beset by the difficulty of shooting on the ocean (a cinematic first) and the art department's oft-malfunctioning mechanical shark, and amid the looming threat of having production shut down by studio heads, then-novice director Steven Spielberg was forced to find a different approach in order to realize his film. Taking inspiration in the work of Alfred Hitchcock, the director decided to primarily suggest the shark's presence, employing an ominous and minimalist theme created by composer John Williams to indicate its impending appearances. Spielberg would later say that the malfunctioning of the mechanical shark was fateful and resulted in a better picture, forcing him to shift his focus to building tension and developing characters, setting the movie apart from similar monster fare. After seeing the unconventional camera techniques of Jaws, Hitchcock himself would praise the young Spielberg for thinking outside the visual dynamics of the theater: "He's the first one of us who doesn't see the proscenium arch."
Regarded as a watershed moment in motion picture history, Jaws was the first prototypical summer blockbuster and won several awards for its music and editing. Universal Pictures's release of the film, accompanied by an extensive marketing campaign, to over 450 screens was an unprecendented—if prophetic—gambit for a studio at the time. Against industry expectation, Jaws was a massive success, setting the domestic box office record and making Spielberg a household name. Along with the release of Star Wars two years later, the film would prove pivotal in establishing the modern Hollywood business model of high box-office returns from action and adventure films with simple, high-concept premises—in contrast to the director- and star-oriented productions of previous decades—released during summer in thousands of theaters, and advertised heavily.
Fifty years later, relive the original summer terror, as we continue our collaboration with Austmann Brewery & Taproom.
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Filmklubbmedlem (NFK):Gratis
Ikke medlem: 100 kr for medlemskap i NFK
Visningssted:Austman Bryggeri og TapRoom